
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:07:11
英语虚拟语气具体语法. 英语寒假见闻,求写 英语寒假见闻作文 10篇英语寒假见闻的作文.要用人教版初一上半学期的知识.每一篇大概60到70字左右. 英语高手帮我看看这句话的语法有没有问题,是虚拟语气的People wish that by imitating some aspects of famous star,they might have become a part of fasion. 下面短文中有十处错误,第三行第二个单词改为mind,是本人打字错误,抱歉. 速度越快分越多```````````字数在60~80左右的 找出下面短文十处错误.When I walked into the classroom and the teacher was helding in the exam papers.I was feeling very nervously.I had not studied at all at the weekend as I had thought it would be a easy test.I went though the test many t 寒假见闻一篇英语(急需) 下面文章中找出十处错误I live in the country and my father was a farmer.He is now forty-five years old.Because years of hard work,he looks old than his age.When I was young,he is used to tell me the importance of study.Father knows few abou This box is _ heavy for me to caryy.用so,much,very和too哪个适当些?为什么? 在下面的短文中找出5处错误,并将它们改正过来.The boy in the photo is my sister.She is 15.She is healthy.Every day,she gets up very early,then plays the volleyball with my father.For breakfast,she has a egg and some bread.She don,t I regret ________ a present to my friend when he got married last month.A.to have not madeB.not makingC.not having madeD.having not made这是2004年北京某所大学的考研题,参考答案给的是A,可是我想不通 英语,用适当的人称代词填空I want to play with your broher.Is( )at home?Tony and i often meet each other.( )have the same hobby.Steven is our maths teacher.He tells( )maths is very interesting.I like my room.Iclean ( )every day.明天 用be动词及人称代词写篇英语作文 一篇介绍自己家中物品的英语作文!(最好有复数,人称代词) 作文中如何用好人称代词 我想快点提高英语口语 有什么好方法呢想为以后打算 快速提高一下英语口语~ 下面短文有几处错误?My uncle will never forget what was happened to him yesterday.He was invited to a inn and enjoyed his dinner with his friends,drank losts of beers .As a result,he got drunk.He insisted driving home after the meal,though hi 英语 虚拟语气语法? 寒假见闻400字,5个 小学寒假见闻400字,谢谢 求寒假见闻4篇,400~450字 ls this a bus复数句 this certificate ls presented中文意思是什么? ls this your schoolbag的中文是什么 Is this a bus!翻译成中文是什么? 两个句子主语一样,第二个句子用分词,两个句子之间不用连接词么①Rural areas are beneficial to people's health,providing people with opportunities to escape pressure and noise.这个句子中间没有连接词②The media attr 虚拟语气He talks as if he knew where she was .He talks as if he had known where she was .这两句有什么差别,一个是与现在相反,一个是与过去相反, 一道虚拟语气的语法题____more careful,his ship would not have sunk.A.If the captain were B.Had the captain beenC.Should the captain be D.If the captain would have been我选的D. 请问如何形容一个人说话声音很大?不是破锣般的声音,而是一种很浑厚的声音.男声.就是你听到一个人说话,觉得这声音很大. 形容一个人的声音好听怎样用英语表达?