
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:06:36
用英语说:增长见识,锻炼意志用英语说:增长见识,锻炼意志,还能培养自己的社交能力 My family 的英语作文,30左右个单词.和这个水平差不多就行:My family is four people.I have a mother,a father and a brother.Myfather and my mother likes to go for a walk in evening.My brother likes with me play ping-pong. 翻译句子 How old will most people live to be in ten years? people will live to be 200 years old 中的live怎么读赖唔还是里屋呢? people will live to be 200 years People will live to be 200 years old 中的livelive 通常只用作定语(前置),可用于动物或植物,但一般不用于人.为什么句中可以用? People will live to be 200 years old.变一般疑问句 1.The dictionary (you need) is on sale in the bookshop.请问这句里you need前省掉了that还是which?是因为什么是句中什么的宾语,才可以省掉的?是动词on sale的宾语吗? I will show you a store you may buy all you need A where ,which Bin which,thatC which ,that Dthat,that 为什么不是A I’ll show you a store—you may buyall—you needA in which that b where which c which that dwhich that AZ31 和 AZ91 镁合金 力学性质 (拉伸强度和杨式模量) 以及密度的差异 I'll show you a store in which you may buy all that you need.为什么用in which和that iI'll show you a store _____you may buy all____you need C where,which D.in which,/为什么选D?C有什么不对吗? Eddie Guerrero 怎么死的 work to live or live to work?请用英语写篇文章 英语文章work to live or live to work700字 should we work to live or live to work说一分钟这个话题的英语,大约200个字左右 work to live or live to work,求一篇大学英语作文,本人英语水平不好啊,求高人给一篇来参考一下. AZ31 镁合金电极电位怎么测 Work to live or live to work? 英语作文my vacation小学英语 简单点 40个词左右.用过去式 Americans love cars.They go everywhere in them.8 5%of people in the US go to and from work by car.And most adults have driving licenses.Why does this car culture exist?How it startedAmerica’s love of ears started after the war(战争)when s People travel to see their families, for work, or just for fun.的意思 坚强意志的作用 你觉得我们青少年应如何磨练自己的坚强意志? eddie是姓还是名希望是名 关于Eddie这个英文名,这个是我的英文名.有人说是狗的名字,是这样吗 EDDIE什么意思 三国演义的读书笔记 I don't think there is something interesting in today's newspaper.翻译 In order to live better people.Refueling refueling, Some people eat to live in order to do something worthwhile while others seem to live ___ they may eat.A.now thatB.so thatC.even thoughD.as though