
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:29:41
初一英语作业本答案P24业 初一英语上册校内作业本第7单元参考答案求 英语 英语 (24 21:7:11)-“ Must we hand in our homework now?”-“No,you _____.”A.aren’t   B.musn’t   C.needn’t   D.can’t 英语 英语 (25 16:24:21)35公斤用英语怎么说 英语翻译Patriotic storiesa foreign museuma China government buildingmany bridges and tunnels 英语 英语 (7 13:44:26)现在是周日早上8:30,给你的好朋友写一封信,告诉他(她)你和你的家人正在做什么.Dear_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 英语 填介词 (30 19:33:45)Do you know how much food we eat ______our lives? [初一英语]介词填空1.There are some birds___the sky.2.We all study___school every day Take () your books and read () me.It's coffee () cream and sugar.She's looking () the new dress () the shop window.Who's the boy () Jim?I'm going () the park () Jim. 介词填空, 用适当的介词填空.1、fill___the schedule___the words.2、women's day is ____march 8th.3、what kind _____books do you like?4、are you good ____children?5、i stay _____home and look _____pictures____beijing opera.6、what do you do _____the 用适当的介词填空If your English is very good,you can work ______ an English teacher in our school. 英语 根据答句选择问句 (29 19:23:17)_________________________________________?I showed each student one thing._________________________________________?Jordan's brother says he can't stand the scarf. 英语 选择 (10 20:23:19)Mary said that she _________ to the States next year.A.will go   B.went    C.has been   D.would gowhy选D 英语 英语 (26 17:45:15)我无法忍受老年人不能打扮漂亮的观点.   用英语怎么说 英语 常识 (6 17:26:45)请写出N个有关中秋季的词语, 英语 急.(26 14:17:31)宇航员怎么默?厨师怎么默? 英语 拉了拉 (11 17:33:29)成语的英文是 初一 英语 补全对话 请详细解答,谢谢! (19 11:17:25)A:  Where  are  you  going  .  B:Nancy's  home  .  Today  is  her  ____  ,  and  there  is  a_ 英语 (⊙o⊙).(17 11:14:2)(           )The    meeting                     two& 英语 (4 16:19:2)1.The naughty boy is made           his homework before 9:00 every night.A to finish     B finish       C finishes    英语 (20 12:19:32)             I    don't    want     to   watch  the   game   show    a 30个初二英语选择题答案(前十个为图片)( )11.—I don’t know ___he did it.—I’ll show you.A.how B.what C.why D.what ( )12.—I want to know _____ he is .—He is ten years old.A.how much B.how old C.how long D.how many ( )13.— We see things_____our eyes.A by B in C with D forWe got a lot of fruits and foods____.A for him B for he C to him D for himself 2.5平方米 多少平方分米 2.08平方米=多少平方分米 12.2平方米=( )平方米( )平方分米 4平方分米=多少平方米? 2/3时=( )分?1/8平方米=( )平方分米? 8分之3时=( )分 1又4分之3平方米=( )平方分米 3吨40千克=( )千克 5.4平方米=( )平方米( )平方分米 5平方米80平方分米=()平方米=()平方分米