
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:01:52
George was responsible for the accident because he didn’t give a ____ to other drivers.选项:a、signb、markc、signald、symbol 三个连续奇数的和为99,则这三个数分别为多少 三个连续奇数的和是99,这3个连续奇数分别是多少? 三个连续奇数的和是99,这三个连续奇数是( ) 三个连续奇数的和是99,如果中间一个奇数是2n﹣1,那么最小的奇数用n表示是( ),你求出的这三个数分别是 把地名串联在一起编一个有趣的旅游故事怎么写长长长不带对话范文 Coffee is lonely without cups.I am lonely without you .求翻译 翻译英文The half-empty coffee cups,still standing next to their plates,tell a morning like any other. 热爱生命的小故事50字 there is enough coffee for several more cups翻译求翻译 有关于身边热爱生命的故事50字~80字,快 谁读过 《Migratory Birds and coffee 》求翻译 热爱生命的感人故事 50字要感人! Coffee is lonely without www.name2012.com cups.I am lonely without you 求翻译 关于热爱生命的故事(50字)短一点的 用简单英语描述熊猫 八年级下英语短文填空A woman liked writing novels.Once she _____three months writing a long novel.After finishing it,she _____ it to a famous editor(编辑).After a few weeks the novel was returned to her.The woman had a look at her nove Every needs trust from others,especially the parents.Parents would like to give you more spece if______trust you.If you want your parents to trust you,you have to_____them through action.Let your parents_____what's going on at school and something el What’s the most popular school activity among American students?The answer is the school dance .Most Americanhigh schools have at____two dances during the year,one in winter and the ____in spring.Students attend these events because it's a great ch 看图短文填空(八年级英语)急!Xiao Bin and his father walked home one afternoon.They felt thirsty and they bought ____of a watermelon.They had it.Then Xiao Bin asked his father ____to do with the rind."____it into the hole,"answered his 编写英语作文请以以下5个单词为主题编写5篇英语作文.(注明,今日截止,速战速决.)1.favorite suject2.favorite sports (在下是女子.)3.famil(在下家有一老父,一老母,还有一个金兰.)4.school life ( 英语作文 汉堡的制作方法 制作三明治的小英语作文 必须要有 first next then finally 几个词语哦!30歌词就可以啦哦 七年级上数学题,求讲解、答案和过程三角形三个内角的和等于180°.已知三角形的第一个内角等于第二个内角的三倍,而第三个内角比第二个内角大15°,每个内角的度数是多少?这是数学书上的 x+1 x x x+1已知方程3x ×2 -3 ×2 =216,试求x的值.看不懂那个方程的话,我翻译一下:3x的x+1次方乘以2的x次方减去3的x次方乘以2的x+1次方等于216,没有括号,求x,x+1 x x x+1-----------------------------【3 ×2 - 3 1.若(a + 1)² + |b - 2| = 0,则2a + b - 1的值为多少?2.有8筐苹果,以每筐30千克为标准,超过的千克数记为正数,不足的千克数记为负数,称重的记录如下:-3,2.5,10,-1.5,-1,3.5,5,0.5.问这8筐苹果的总重量 求九年质义务教育七年级第一学期语文的所有每周一诗只要把这些诗的名字打出来就行了,我们现在上的是 试用本 我是上海,徐汇区的,地区不同教材也不同吧 希望谁能告诉我一下七年级下册后面的十首古诗(有诗名、作者、诗文就可以了) 谁来告诉我上海七年级二期课改(上,下)要求背的古诗文和所有每周一诗,只要题目就好了 语文七年级下所有古诗 1.峨眉山月______,_______江水流.2.故园东望路漫漫,_____________.3.______________,上有黄鹂深树鸣.4.______________,落花时节又逢君.5.________竹林寺,________钟声晚.6.______________,各领风骚数百年.7.深林人不知,_ 数字1001,1010,1100用英语分别怎么写