
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 20:05:54
A.wheel B.juice C.cheese请选出不同类的词语,并说明为什么 BREAD MEATS CHEESE怎么样 泰山为什么那么出名? 泰山为什么有名? 泰山为啥很有名? 泰山是世界闻名的吗 山东泰山在世界有名吗? How beautifully she sings!为什么用 beautifully what's the matter with和what's wrong with的区别,用法.后面都可以有with吗? what's the matter with ,=what‘s wrong with ?=?初二水平,好的给分. NOT Forefer Just 玥的读音字意 She sings so ( )(beautiful). Having been 是什么时态Having been lost in the mountains for a week ,the two students were finally saved by the local police.为什么不是 have been lost Joanne is is,how,his,feeling,sister,today?连词组句 Today my mother is felling ---- ----to go to the factoryA.enough good B.good enough C.enough well D.well enough 选哪个, The child isn't ______ to go on a trip today?A.good enough C.well enough教辅参考答案上写的是well enough,请帮我解释下为什么, 英语作文续写It's Sunday today.My sister and I go to the beach,怎么写?不超过60字啊! It was the most possible solution to the problem of water supply ___those poor country.A.faced with B.faced C.to face D.facing选择一个正确答案,并请分析一下句子结构, 1.《游山西村》中表达诗人对农村生活向往的诗句是_____________,_____________.2.写出与下列情节相关的人物.⑴跃马过檀溪:_____________⑵过五关斩六将:____________⑶怒鞭督邮:____________⑷巧授连环计:__ 1、“兴,百姓苦,亡,百姓苦”是封建社会的普遍现象.请从你所积累的古诗词中选出两句表现“百姓苦”的诗句:“ ,”2、他所经过的时候,真如他所说的“荒漠的青年时期.”荒凉的沙漠,给人 填成语:1.厨师的拿手好戏( )2.世界上最大的工程( )3.用冥虹灯装饰的广告语( )4.扭着秧歌打腰鼓( ) 填三国里的人名:1.慢慢做( )2.四面屯粮( )3.孔雀收屏( )4.蓓蕾开放( )5.山东安静( )6.是寡人之过 急需论文摘要英文翻译,不能直译!小弟不胜感激室内设计是现今社会中对人才需求量的一个行业.随着经济社会的不断发展,人们对室内效果图的设计要求越来越高.真实感较高的效果图可以模 英语翻译新疆地区的信息化程度在西部各省区中处于中上水平,但是由于居住地区,生活方式,经济条件和受教育程度等因素的限制我区互联网的应用和普及率等方面比经济发达地区处于较落后 英语翻译the weekend I was there $1 got you 1.57 reais – and by one consulting group’s measure life for expatriates in Rio is more expensive than anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere请重点讲解下:reasi是什么意思,和 by one consu 英语翻译1.Contracts also need for machine purchase which the price is large.2.Efficiency report for customs clearance including import and export. 舅妈在英语怎么读 舅妈的英文怎么写? 数学函数中中间变量是什么 舅妈的英文单词怎么拼写? People in the city of San Francisco are __ to enjoy their views.A:happy enough B:pleasedC:lucky enough D:good luck