
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 05:14:02
professor smith _the most importent part in his paper?a omitted b disputed c designed d chased 翻译一句话:Professor Smith is much in demand as a lecturer in the united States as well as at universities all over Europe. 英语翻译在翻译一篇电厂保温材料标准的资料,遇到block and blanket materials不知道具体怎么翻译,原文如下It is not intended to address thermal insulation considerations for large items of equipment,such as steam generator 英语翻译是叫美国材料试验协会还是美国材料与测试协会 Sock overlay colour and material求翻译 孢子和配子区别?孢子和配子的区别,孢子生殖和配子生殖的区别,还有什么事动孢子和静孢子? castor professor 是什么 he is cutting the meat和he is cutting up the meat区别? the meat from a pig is the_____. food,ourselves,for,we,produce,must,more 连词成句并翻译 We must (product) more food for ourselves and import less 中国江河上的桥有哪些 After seeing a doctor,he ( ) better now 应该填什么?急 孢子和配子有什么区别?老师讲的不是很清楚. professor wang,who is over sixty,still works hard day and night.能改为professor wangis over sixty,who still works hard day and night吗,为什么 professor wang is familiar to us 同意句怎样改?这句话意思是什么? The food [smell] good charge a fee.什么意思?They’re also paid $600 for their work-another way this program differs from others, which often charge a fee他们的工作还会获得600美元的报酬,这是这个项目的另一种有别于其他收费的项目之处. against什么意思 我们怎能忘记为人民抛头颅洒热血的革命前辈呢?(换个说法,调换语序) __________________________________哥哥说话很快.改为比喻句:___________________________________________________________改为夸张句:______________ 革命前辈为拯救苦难的祖国抛头颅,洒热血,拼杀在战火纷飞的战场上.【缩句】 孢子供给什么营养 “食品的营养价值”名词解释是什么? 翻译句子:-Had they better wait here,sir?-No,they hadn't. Finally the lawyer__the case without a fee after that old lady pleaded.A:undertookB:understatedC:understudiedD:underchaged选哪个?为什么? That makes you away from the old, 德语中也需要发出大舌颤音吗?那么小舌音发出来的效果究竟是怎么样的,跟在百度视频上搜索的那些小孩子的小舌音一样吗? 德语中的舌颤音怎么发 关于练德语的R颤音我想知道大家练这个发音是练了多久才成功的.我是含一点点口水来练, 几天下来喉咙疼到不行. 连平时说话的声音都变有点沙了. 一吞口水就不能发颤音.另外舌头有没有 there is likely 后面可以直接加句子吗?那如果一定要用这个结构,后面应该加什么啊? process-fieldbus是什么意思 关于如何发大舌音r