
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:04:35
We went mountain climbing yesterday.It began to rain just when we got to the foot of the hill.So wehad to go home early.的意思是 ( )We had to stop working outside_______ the heavy rain yesterday afternoon.( )We had to stop working outside_______ the heavy rain yesterday afternoon.A.instead of B.as for C.because of D.as if I ran in the rain yesterday.I havea ()today.I feel(). When it began to rain,we ran to find_place to hide from rain 请说出其中的连词并所处原因 六年级英语短文填空```急We are going to visit Wuxi for our spring h______.We are going to m_____at the scholl gate at half past five in the morning.Wuxi is very far from our school.So we are going to get there by t_____.We are going to visit 阅读英语短文填空~ 初二英语幽默小短文要初二上期3单元之前的 英语幽默小短文 大概80字左右 一次性塑料碗容量怎么算外圆 118MM 高 72 一次性的塑料碗是什么做成的 一次性PS塑料餐具环保吗?国家对其有无鼓励或限制? iphone有道词典有没有单词本功能? I watched TV the _____ (整个的)afternoon yesterday. he watched tv (yesterday afternoon),对括号里的提问the dog returned the kite to me.给为一般疑问句快 He watched TV ”yesterday afternoon“.对打引号部分提问 He watched TV yesterday 对watched TV提问 I piayed tennis with my brother yesterday afternoon.(对I piayed tennis with my brother 提问)________ __________ you_________yesterday afternoon? 我叫个“高贺”请帮翻译成英语好吗? 小贺,不到最后请别放弃,加油!谁能帮我翻译成英语, 将句子转换成同义句1.She spends half an hour doing her homework every day.____ _____ ____half an hour to do her homework every day.2Tim sits in front of me.I___ _____ Tim.3.It is seven thirty in the morning.It is ____ ____ ____in the morning. 帮忙写一段贺新年的英文,还有翻译 麻烦大家帮我翻译成英文名.我叫贺慧民 一些初二英语小问题1.有一句话 Parents should give their children a certain amount of leeway.如果我想表达"父母应该给孩子一定关于课外活动的余地”这个“关于课外活动”改怎么添加在原句上。2.apologie Whose is this book ?对吗? Whose book is this和Whose is this book是同义句吗? whose book is this 的同意句仍用whose 初二英语讲故事比赛的故事不要成语故事,生词少一点,3分钟左右,故事要有新意的!再长一点啊~要3分钟左右啊 帮忙写一篇英语作文,有要求.介绍你的朋友,他的情况如下:男孩,13岁,法国人,棕色头发,大鼻子,大眼睛,个高且瘦,想他的父亲等.约五十个单词. 这个具体怎么写?请举个例子^W^ 找一些煽情的话……我的女友老叫我对她说些煽情的话,比如她睡觉的时候叫我说些煽情的话哄她睡觉(是手机发信息的)……可我比较笨,各位GG、JJ帮帮忙,知道或者想到的都说一说……(注 求比较煽情的话 英语翻译当所有人在关心你飞的高不高时,只有少数人在关心你飞的累不累.这就是朋友.那个飞能不要翻译出来吗?用别的词 煽情的话要可以摘抄到散文里的