
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:26:02
日常英语口语,掌握多少单词就够了.有集中下载单词的地方吗? 我是个想学英语的人 别人推荐我用新概念英语我应该怎么运用呢我的水平就是初中生的水平 但是我现在大四了 还很想学 想问下这个书是通过什么方式提高英语水平的 效果好吗 我很费解下 学英语的人一般看新概念几的人多呀? 赞美祖国的诗歌,30-40字左右要好一点的,有用的话加财富值,谢了 if she were to be a dancer,she would been excellent这是虚拟语气的现在时,过去时,还是将来时,为什么 虚拟语气有没有if I had been you ,I would had.对过去不应该用had been麻 About English grammarThis is important to me.or for me?This is an important thing to me.or for me? 英语疑问词的用法? 英语特殊疑问词有哪些?以及用法....(最好讲初一的) a English question about grammarThe body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth centruy B.C.这句话中怎么有两个动词was,date from,却没有从句呢? 、送给好朋友的话(要体现友谊的珍贵) be full of be filled withhe cried out:"yes,i agree."_____joy.A.full of B.being full ofC.being filled with D.filled of 选那个.为什么不能选b she speaks as if she ---on the spot A were B had been be full of、be filled with和full of有什么区别(举例说明)? 我不知道如何去相信,我已经失去骄傲的资本了,帮忙翻译成英文? 求积极向上的小诗,30字左右!健康的, 外国著名诗歌(简短30字左右)----------------急! 她以前是教师 翻译She— —— —— a teacher It's been so long since I had been a teacher.请问这句好如何翻译? As a teacher's assistant,she saw teacher after teacher give up on the children and quit,feeling upset.翻译 She worked(as)a teacher for many years.怎么翻译? 英语翻译 .我要自由.”请帮我翻译成英语 He is good at playing the piano and she is a m——- football at she playing good is she's good at playing the piano什麽意思? 英语连词成句 sister,my,is,piano,the,playing,at,good. 填鸭式教育怎么说?除了spoon-feeding education,还有一个的~是一个单词来的.还有:“我学会了一个道理!”里面的道理怎么说? 什么是填鸭式教育?填鸭式教育有什么利与弊? 假如爱有天意 THE CLASSIC怎么样 《假如爱有天意(不可不信缘 the classic)》的配乐作者是谁?郭在容的野蛮女友,假如爱有天意的配乐都相当不错,音乐是一部好电影不可缺少的元素,这两部电影的配乐作者是谁? 英语翻译请问~假如爱有天意~怎么翻译..