
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:23:10
though the long-term _______cannot be predicted,the project has been approved by the committeeeffect 把棱长4分米的正方形,削成一个最大的圆柱体,圆柱体的面积多少? Without his help,i couldnt finish the work.同义句———— ———— his help ,I finished the work. 手牵手的英文单词是./ I know I look younger than both inside and outside.如何翻译 已知数列{an}的前n项和满足a1=1/2,an=-Sn*S(n-1),(n大于或等于2),求an,Sn 在数列{an}中,有a1=3,Sn=a1+a2+...+an,2an=Sn*S(n+1)(n大于等于2)(1)求证{1/Sn}为等差数列,并求公差;(2)求数列{an}的通项公式注题目中的n和n+1均为下标 数列{An}中,已知a1=2,且an=S(n-1) (n大于等于2,n属于N),则数列{an}的前n项和Sn= 在线等、谢谢 without(同义词)俩个单词的 we couldn't live without others 'help in an hour 是在一小时之内还是一小时之后? Look out!It's too dangerous to go-----a street -------tje traffic.A.through;after B.across;in front of C.cross;before D.through;in the front of 为什么hour前面用an 埋怨什么意思埋怨是什么意思? 休息一个小时,用英语怎么说快用stay His brother works in a hospital.就“in a hospital” the traffic is moving slowly in the traffic jam.中为什么填along怎样翻译? 这些英文怎么读,bee,pigeon,peacock,eagle,sparrow,parrot you can pIay ping-pong in it是什么意思 英语翻译For an Oath,an Oath and a Half这是一本拿破仑传的小说,这句话作为目录小标题(是小标题吧)请问他说的是什么意思,请给正确的答案分数后加 给我一个有九年级句型转换题答案的网站!里面有1.My mother works in a hospital .(改为一般疑问句)还有别的 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 peacock怎么读 peacock什么意思 英语翻译最好加个关于peacock parachute tarahtula (中文的) peacock是什么 The car plays a role ____ A.move B.in move C.in moving D.to moving peacock是什么意思 用what do you want?造句what do you want?造句 5句话.比如:l want to 什么什么的.(1句一分) when the traffic_____(stop),you can cross the roads