
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:14:56
(1)用,严,字组词并填空.苏格拉底对自己要求十分(),做任何事前都会制订()的计划,工作中保持()的态度,面对()的考验,从不退缩. 心惊肉跳 自言自语 自作自受 缝缝补补 大吃一惊 流连忘返 身无分文 溜之大吉 十指连心 任选我个词写一段话一段 一段 不是一句 I'd like to get more writing practice to improve my____ English是writing还是written为什么……主要是为什么! A:can you give me some t__ on how to improve my spoken English? B:just practice more. noon前的介词,是on还是at noon前面可以不加介词at吗?I usually get up at 12:00 noon.这句话对吗?还是一定要在noon前面加上at呢?其实这句话是在小学英语五年级的课本里的,原句用的就是at 12:00 noon,只是我记得noon好像只作名 不由分说 身无分文 流连忘返 刻骨铭心 一如既往 溜之大吉用上面3个词造一句话 身无分文 溜之大吉 忐忑不安 刻骨铭心 怒目圆睁 不由分说 一如既往 怎么造句?分开身无分文 溜之大吉 忐忑不安 刻骨铭心 怒目圆睁 不由分说 一如既往 怎么造句?分开造 ______(Do,Does)the old man often tell them stories?填哪个 文化差异是cultural differences吗?还是cultural difference? "M,N分别是三角形ABC的边AC,BC上的点,在AB上求作一点P.使三角形PMN的周长最小". 为什么on next day off可以加介词on,而next week却不能加呢(⊙o⊙)? last或next后加时间段,前面用不用加介词?例:My life in the next year will be better than it is now!还是My life in next year will be better than it is now!如果都不是,那正确是什么? 直线y=x-1关于原点的对称直线为y=kx+b则下列各点中在直线y=kx+b上的为 A(4,3B(-10,-9) C(10,9) D(-3,-4) Recommend movies about culture/cultural differences /cultural conflicts.外国的! 朝花夕拾各章读后感100字 If I could have told you about cultural differences between Italy and the Uk,I would have.这个虚拟语气的句子是对何种情况的虚拟啊?是特殊句式吗?不符合对现在、过去、将来三种情况. Some people ride it to work. 用word绘图时怎么移动几何图形到想要的位置,我移动的时候老是跳到别的地方试过了该文字环绕方式为浮于文字上方,改了绘图网格都还是不行啊,最开始没问题的,后来不知道怎么搞的就不行 高一英语 请详细解答1.A lot of people here,__,Tom,are for the plan that we will go to the beach on foot.A.such as B.for example2.Before sowing or planting crops,rough ground __and weeds__.A.must be cleaned:removed B.must be cleaned:remo 朝花夕拾每一章的读后感(10篇),每一章的好词佳句、概括段意(把那段写下来).如果写得好,每一章都按照这样的要求,一共10篇读后感 My grandma often ____us fairy tales. A talks B says C tells D speaks 理由,还有这4个字的区别在哪里 My grandma often ____us fairy tales.A.says b.tells c.talks d.speaks 包括翻译 he often speaks it with------(difficult) 动语+补语=谓语?动语+状语=谓语? 我初中数学很烂,高中学会计有影响吗? 会计需要会初中数学才能学吗?我喜欢会计,可是我没有读完初中,我能学会计吗,我学得来吗,请大家帮帮我解答一下好吗,先谢谢大家了! 包括得与失,下段学习打算 this programme was sent to the USA___china___satellite.选项如下:A.in,of B.of,in C.from,by D.by,from 填介词,英语 This kind of special plant is native ( )the eastern USA.This kind of special plant is native ( )the eastern USA. ______a true story,this film attracts many film-goers.A.Based on B.Basing on C.To base on D.Based 朝花夕拾读后感 1